This is a pie chart of the question which genre of music do you listen to the most. From this it is clear that out of the people i asked most of them listen to r&b indie and pop music. It is good that i found out that r&b is in the top most listened to music as r&b would be one of the main genre's of music to feature in my magazine as i consider r&b to be urban music . R&B music would appeal to all of my target audience and maybe at the same time attract people that wouldn't normally listen to that genre of music.
This pie chart shows the different colors that people think should be seen in my magazine . People gave mainly gone with bright and dark colors. The reason why i think people have done this is because if you have bright colors on a magazine it would draw the reader into to wanting to buy the magazine and read on. From this information that i found out on my magazine i have used mainly bright colors so that i make sure i draw in the audience that i need and want to read my magazine.
This pie chart shows the artists that they would expect to see in my magazine going of the bases of the name of my magazine as they didn't know anything else about my magazine at the time of answering my survey . From this survey i have found out that they would expect to see artist like drake rhianna and male artists also . Which is why for my 2 page spread i have made it all about a new and upcoming male artist's that is like drake . So i combines the two main things that people expected to see in my magazine .
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