Tuesday, 5 April 2011

How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted and addressed my audience by first of all using a person on the front of the magazine that fit the target group of people that would be seen to buy this kind of magazine and also appear inside the magazine. Also i used people that are the same kind of age of people that would be buying the magazine. The reason why i did this is so that before they even buy the magazine and read it they feel some sort of connection with it . Also models that look the same as people who would be buying the magazine .The clothing that the model is wearing on the front cover of the magazine is clothing that the readers of the magazine would also be wearing , and that may be advertised inside of the magazine.I also made the publication an affordable price so that people that age who may not have a job will still be able to afford to buy the magazine. Also if people are out shopping and happen to have spare change on them this would be an convenient time to buy the publication. I have also included the chance to win things in the magazine as this may draw them in more. Also throughout my magazine i have used bright colours , as these colours are the typical colours you would expect to be inside an urban music publication.

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