Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

For the preliminary task i learnt how to use the basic skills in photoshop and indesign. By doing this it then had me set for making my media product so i had already got to grips with the software I just had to widen the things that i used within the software. I have learnt how to use different kind of technologies like InDesign and Photoshop in order to be able to create my media product.
From my preliminary task I learnt that you have to base everything around the audience that you are creating you're media product too. For my preliminary task i didn't carry out any research regarding the audience . However with my main task I carried out a wide range of research so I knew exactly what my target audience wanted to see in the media product that I was making.
   Before i started my music magazine i planned out how i wanted my magazine too look. The reason for this is so that i had it set what i was going to do and how it was going too look.Also by organising my self like this i will have done more planning that i did for my preliminary task therefore i should hopefully get a better grade as it is more thought out. Also even though the images used for my main task are not the best pictures ever i feel i have made an improvement in the pictures used. For my preliminary task I did not use photoshop to edit any of the images , where as in my main task I edited all of the images that I used. Another thing i feel I improved from my preliminary task to my main task is the actual writing that went into the double page spread of my magazine. I put thought into this writing and thought about how the people that would be reading it would interpret this writing.
For my music magazine i changed it a number of times as i went on but with my music magazine i did not change it once. The reason for this being that i analysed the music magazine more and thought about everything aspect of it .

   I feel as if i have made an massive improvement from my preliminary task. From the things i have learnt that have now contributed to my music magazine. However i still feel like i could improve my music magazine . For instance i could of made the photography of the pictures a bit better and maybe been more minuplated than they are. Also i could of done more research into other music magazines of the same genre so that way it would of been more easier for me to create my magazine.

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